Other Public Radio Programs and Streams for Kids
24/7 Streams – Time-dependent Streams – Archives – Podcasts
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* Note that we do not produce nor monitor the content of these programs
Wonderground Radio 
Music for kids and grownups from Minnesota Public Radio
That’s The Story
Stories and music from New Zealand
Music in German for kids
low power fm station for and with kids from Clearwater Florida
Hip Young Parent Radio
Music from Los Angeles
Kids Corner 
with Kathy O’Connell WXPN Monday-Friday 7 to 8 pm Eastern. Podcasts of portions also available.
Spare the Rock, Spoil the Child
on Valley Free Radio, Saturdays 7-9, hosted by Bill Childs and his daughter, Ella. Eastern

Saturday Morning Cereal Bowl
WAWL FM Saturdays 8-10 Eastern

Mah-Na Mah-Na
Music and comedy for kids, Saturdays 8-9 am, WEFT.

Penelope’s Radio
multiple archived programs of music and stories, including some in Spanish, plus seasonal specials.

Tell Us a Tale
folk tales, books, and stories from Charlottesville VA.
Classics for Kids
short programs of classical music for kids from WGUC. Also a podcast.

The Zucchini Brothers
music and comedy that’s out-of-school.
Cow Pie Radio
Join Buck Howdy and BB for a rollicking campfire treat. Also available as podcast.
Kids Music Planet
Lisa and Evalyn Harper (and sometimes Monty Harper too) present their picks for great music.