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Our Channels

Our Specials


Black History Month

For kids aged 5 to 12 Hosted by Adey Anthony About 18 minutes long in MP3 In loving memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and Coretta Scott King Featuring the music of Sweet Honey in the Rock “All For Freedom”   Kim and Reggie Harris “Music and the...


Celebrate The Winter Holidays with KPR Featuring : Tony’s Career – Pickleberry Pie (28 minutes) Will Santa Find Us Here? – Pickleberry Pie (28 minutes) Oldies Xmas (28 minutes) Meeka’s Christmas (27 minutes) Hanukkah Special (29 minutes) Christmas Town Special (28 minutes) Christmas Lullaby – secular (1 hour) Christmas Special...

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kpr is an entire network of free web-based radio channels for kids. The channels are created through an aggregate of both old and new programming assembled from a variety of sources in public radio and elsewhere. Music, news, stories, comedy, lullabies, educational programming and more are  presented in distinct non-commercial programs which serve an audience of kids aged 0 to 11 and their parents. The common denominators for all of the programs are a commitment to quality, a love of many cultures, and a profound respect for the intelligence of children.

and always ad free and commercial free